Cleveland City Council Members Brian Cummins (Ward 14) and Michael Polensek (Ward 8) have said “Yes” to all four Cleveland Digital Justice Campaign questions.
The two incumbent Councilmen (Polensek is the body’s longest-serving member) say that, if re-elected, they’ll work for a citywide public wifi network and direct City funding of neighborhood technology training centers, as well as the development of a fiber broadband network to promote more competition for home and business Internet customers throughout the city.
Cummins announced his support for the Digital Justice program yesterday, in response to a question at a candidate forum at the West 58th St. Church of God. Polensek sent his answers in writing to the Campaign three weeks ago. (See Polensek’s full response here.)
The Campaign has also received positive answers to all four questions from Ward 4 challenger Gail Sparks, running for the seat now occupied by Councilman Kenneth Johnson.
The other candidate to respond to the Campaign’s questions to date is John Kelly, who’s challenging Ward 17 Councilman Martin Keane. Kelly says he supports citywide expansion of City wifi access; his other answers are noncommittal.
Update 10/27: Councilman Cummins has posted a long piece on his blog about his support for the Digital Inclusion Campaign proposals.