The Cleveland Digital Justice Campaign was first organized by CYC during the 2017 election for Cleveland Mayor and City Council, to educate voters and candidates about our community’s crippling digital divide and what the City government should be doing to close it. The Campaign offered four specific, practical proposals for City action.
1. City funding of at least $1 million a year for neighborhood technology centers that
2. Citywide expansion of the City’s free public wifi networkto provide Internet access to residents and neighborhood businesses throughout Cleveland. |
3. A City-owned, city-wide optical fiber broadband networkto provide affordable, very fast Internet services to Cleveland homes and businesses — as a City utility service, a delivery option for new competitive private Internet providers, or both. |
4. A new Cabinet-level executive for digital inclusiondedicated solely to leading City efforts to promote universal digital literacy and broadband Internet access, including the measures described in 1, 2 and 3. |
The Digital Justice Campaign and the 2017 election:
- Ward 14 challenger Santana gives mixed responses to Digital Justice questions
- Mayoral candidate Zack Reed supports city wifi expansion, tech center funding; Jackson still silent
- Digital Justice Campaign drops in on mayoral campaigns
- Councilmen Cummins, Polensek say “Yes” to Digital Justice proposals
- Digital Justice Campaign asks candidates for City investment in training and citywide access
- Cleveland City Council wards where Digital Justice should be an election issue
- Cleveland election 2017: What should we ask the candidates?