2016 Census data: Cleveland still third worst-connected big city

47% of Cleveland households still didn’t have “fixed” broadband Internet subscriptions (cable, DSL, fiber or satellite) in 2016, according to new American Community Survey One Year Estimates released last Thursday by the U.S. Census.

32% of our households lacked home Internet connections of any kind, including mobile wireless or dial-up accounts.

In both cases Cleveland’s percentages were the third worst among the 75 U.S. cities with 100,000 or more households.

The ACS Estimates are based on mailback surveys sent to about 300,000 randomly selected households across the U.S. each month.


  1. Sarah,

    In Fact Finder Advanced Search:
    Geography is Places-160, “All Places in United States”
    Table is B28002, version is “2016 ACS 1-year estimates”
    This produces the B28002 data table for all 599 Census places with 65,000+ populations. Download it as a CSV file.

    For the actual population numbers, go back to the Search page and get Table B01003 for the same ACS version. This is all the same 599 places with total population numbers. Download it, combine it with B28002, and clean the whole thing up (e.g. delete all the error margin columns).

    You can now sort the cities by population and create a spreadsheet of Table B28002 data for cities above 100,000 people.

    My version of that spreadsheet with the calculations in this blog article is now posted at

  2. Where did these numbers come from? I ran a table in the Census American Fact Finder and none of these match the data available for 2016. Can you please share your raw data?

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