A new mapping analysis of Federal Communications Commission broadband availability data, released today by Connect Your Community and the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, strongly suggests that AT&T has systematically discriminated against lower-income Cleveland neighborhoods in its deployment of home Internet and video technologies over the past decade.
Our analysis, based on newly released FCC Form 477 Census block data, provides clear evidence that AT&T has withheld fiber-enhanced broadband improvements from most Cleveland neighborhoods with high poverty rates – including Hough, Glenville, Central, Fairfax, South Collinwood, St. Clair-Superior, Detroit-Shoreway, Stockyards and others.
Read “AT&T’s Digital Redlining of Cleveland”
Update: From an article about this report in Cleveland Scene:
A spokesperson from AT&T responded to Scene: “Access to the internet is essential, which is why we’ve continuously invested in expanding service and enhancing speeds. The report does not accurately reflect the investment we’ve made in bringing faster internet to urban and rural areas across the U.S. While we are investing in broadband, we’re also investing in technologies that will mitigate some of the infrastructure limitations.”
We note that the maps which form the basis of the CYC/NDIA report simply display AT&T’s own data, submitted to the FCC less than a year ago.