Welcome to the Connect Your Community Project research page. Here you’ll find information about the CYC Project’s outcomes and impacts, as well as links to any published whitepapers.
2013 Digital Inequality and College Access Whitepaper
Research findings from a digital literacy program aimed at providing parents of Cleveland Municipal School District student (particularly those in grades 8-12) with free home computers and low-cost home broadband internet access in an effort to increase their awareness of school-related online resources and track its influence on college readiness. Read the report here.
2012 CYC Participant Survey
Data from interviews with 2,300 randomly selected CYC participants. Topics include program satisfaction; home broadband connection status; broadband subscription choices (ISPs); employment and public service user characteristics; most frequent Internet uses; and broadband adoption outcomes for respondents as workers, parents, patients, etc.
To read more about the 2012 CYC Participant Survey survey, click here: 2012 CYC Participant Survey.
2012 Cuyahoga County Survey of Internet Access and Use
“Baseline” survey of broadband adoption and use by adult residents of Cuyahoga County, Ohio including Cleveland. This survey of 1,266 county residents was designed and conducted for OneCommunity by Dr. Caroline Tolbert of the University of Iowa and Dr. Karen Mossberger, then of the University of Illinois (Chicago) and now at Arizona State University.
To read more about the 2012 Cuyahoga County Broadband Inclusion Survey, click here: Cuyahoga County Internet Survey.
2013 Presentation for Cleveland community development corporation directors meeting
Presentation highlighting general digital inclusion numbers for “inner core” residents of Cuyahoga County, with a focus on access to online banking.
Click here: Presentation for CDC directors (PDF format).
2011 Employment Impact Survey
In October of 2011, Connect Your Community conducted a survey of program participants who had been verified as SBA’s (Sustainable Broadband Adopters). The intent of this survey was to assess the impact of CYC on participants’ efforts to improve their job situations.
Key finding: Among those who said they undertook the training mainly for employment reasons, 43% have since found new or better jobs, received promotions or raises, entered work-training programs, and/or started their own businesses.
To read more about the 2011 workforce survey, click here: 2011 Connect Your Community Employment Impact Survey.
2012 K-12 Parent Survey
In May of 2012, we conducted a survey of CYC participants who identified themselves as parents of school-age children. The intent of this survey was to assess the impact of our program on participants’ efforts to support their children’s education and engage with their schools and teacher.
Key findings: 65% of the newly connected parents told us they use their home broadband connection to communicate with their child’s school and teachers; 75% said having home broadband access increased the frequency of their engagement with teachers and administrators; and 80% reported that their children now complete homework, school work, or class projects using their home broadband connections.
To read more about the 2012 parent engagement survey, click here: 2012 Connect Your Community K-12 Parent Survey .